Art Notes
Once upon a time, there lived a mom and a dad who just so happen to be King and Queen. The anticipated day had arrived – the birth of their little Princess Aurora. She arrived with a great celebration, as her parents rejoiced with the announcement of their beautiful little girl. They now had an heir to the throne, and someone they could love with all their heart. There was nothing they wouldn’t do for their little Princess. Give her the world? Absolutely. Save her from the world? They did their best.
Fifteen years ago, my wife and I welcomed our eighth and final child. We were filled with that same joy. There was nothing we wouldn’t give him. However, as we learned with all of our children, there’s only so much we can do to protect them. We have always felt that someone other than us, was watching out for them … someone helping them handle life’s challenges.
“Sleeping Beauty” for my family is the reminder, that it takes a wonderful supporting cast to raise a child. Little “fairies” and valiant heroes to help save the day.
Our wonderful boy is growing up. He is awesome! We are so grateful that he has had more than just his parents looking out for him. Great teachers, good friends, and handpicked role models. They lift him up and help him fight the dragons of the world. We believe, that with a little help, he will be alright. “Sleeping Beauty” is that example of HOPE that we all have our “Prince Charming’s” to encourage and help us on life’s journey.
– Eric Dowdle
Key Points
- Sleeping Beauty – The Power of Love is the ninth painting in the Disney Collection by Eric Dowdle, a series of Limited Edition Art that tells the stories of favorite Disney characters in Eric Dowdle’s magical folk art style.
- Other Eric Dowdle paintings featuring the stories of beloved Disney Princesses include Little Mermaid Part of Your World, Cinderella’s Enchanted Evening, Beauty and the Beast Finding Love, and Snow White Dancing with the Dwarfs.
- Can you find Princess Aurora’s three Fairy Godmothers – Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather?
- This painting includes a tribute to an iconic scene from the 1959 Disney film, “Sleeping Beauty” when Aurora meets Prince Philip. In the scene, Aurora dances with woodland animals dressed in boots and a cape, singing “Once Upon A Dream”, while Philip and his horse, Samson, look on from the woods.
- Maleficent is portrayed as a dragon in this painting – the form she took when she battled Prince Philip in the 1959 film. Can you find her pet Raven, Diablo?