An original painting or limited print can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. But how can you tell whether you have a replica or a real treasure in your hands? Art galleries, like Thomas Kinkade Studios in California, can help you determine whether your painting has more than just sentimental value. Our art consultants can establish provenance and give you some idea of the history behind the painting.
How Much Is My Painting Worth?
Here are some elements to consider when doing your own sleuthing on a painting.
- Determine The Artist
- Consider Size, Subject Matter & Date
- Current Demand
- Establish Provenance
- Condition
Who Painted It?
Identifying the artist may be easy if the piece has a legible signature. Check the signature against the ones on other pieces for accuracy and typical placement on the canvas. If you cannot find a signature, sending photos to art galleries and dealers might help narrow down possible artists. Our consultants can look at the signature and determine whether or not it is real.
What Are The Details?
Paintings that are unusual or linked to more famous works of art tend to have more value. Here are some details to consider when appraising artwork.
- Size
- Subject Matter
- Genre
- Date
- Historical Significance
- Color
Popularity & Prominence
Art trends and spotlights come and go with the years. A few years ago, something worth nothing could suddenly have value due to high demand. In the same vein, some types of art may lose value over time because of waning interest.
This applies to appraisals, but if you plan to auction off a painting, it might have more value to the types of people interested in it. A small group of avid collectors who want your art piece to complete their collection will make the piece itself highly valuable. Our art consultants can tell you whether or not your painting has high value thanks to its current demand.
What Is The Painting’s Provenance?
Knowing the history of the painting’s exhibitions and the lineage of ownership can add value and interest to the piece if possible. Establishing provenance can be done in many ways.
- Original Bills of Sale
- Exhibition Stickers Attached to the Frame
- Correspondence About the Piece
- Notes From the Artist
- Statements Verifying the Circumstances of the Painting
What Condition Is The Painting In?
Condition plays a significant role in cementing an accurate painting appraisal. Rips, water damage, signs of in-painting, relining, fading, or over-cleaning can diminish its value. Ideally, paintings will be professionally cleaned and restored when necessary.
Facts That Support Price
You can use several research tools, such as auction records, dealer interest, and signatures, to get a baseline price on your own. Some require a membership, but they offer a wealth of information to help establish provenance and a piece’s authenticity. Check out some key features of these tools.
- Biographical Info
- Auction & Exhibition History
- Dealers & Galleries That Carry the Artist’s Work
- Museums To View Other Pieces By the Artist
- Publications That Include Your Artists
Find An Expert To Guide Your Investigation!
Thomas Kinkade Studios in California can help you find all the details about your painting. Our art gallery has several experts who have made it their life’s work to know all about art and the art world. If you need a professional art appraisal for your painting, contact our gallery for further assistance.