Art Notes
There are few places on Earth that are more awe-inspiring than Yosemite Valley nestled in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Home of the undisputed King of the valley is "El Capitan", an exposed rock face of unmatched size that serves as silent sentinel presiding over the majesty of Yosemite's other natural wonders. As I painted I would often muse, "You see the face of God in nature"in the mountain vista. You hear Him in the rustle of the wind in the trees"taste, smell and feel Him in the fragrance of flowers and in the sweet air and water found in the cathedral of the wild." Indeed, there is no more profound visual exposition of this soul-searched sentiment than in the painting, Yosemite Meadow. In this oil, riders are dwarfed against the glory of the background as perspective to man's place in creation and in relation to their Creator. As I completed Yosemite Meadow, I counted each day as a blessing and took in the full glory of God's creation.