Art Notes
There is probably nothing more iconic in relation to American vacation plans than the idea of a “road trip”. And there is probably nothing more spiritually tied to that sojourner’s dream than Route 66, the “Main Street of America”. Indeed, the beauty of this country and the fun of its people are both to be found along this fabled ribbon of asphalt in addition to some “crazy by-way kitsch” that is the source of both memories and amusement. Join me as I begin this journey and travel this 2,500 mile thoroughfare from Chicago to Santa Monica stopping at many places along the way. In this first piece I pay tribute to the motorcyclist and their modern day iron horses. Look closely in the painting and you might recognize one of film’s earliest two-wheeled rebels as well as a notorious easy rider. I have also placed references to some of the most noted makes of motorcycle for you to discover as you explore my canvas. My grandfather loved the lure of the open road, a feeling that was translated to my father and uncle and now to me and my own brothers. The joy of the ride is often as satisfying as the destination and so it is in this case. There will be several stops on this trip and further tributes to be paid. In the future you will be invited to America’s drive-in theaters and diners and the great automotive traditions of this country will be explored. Finally, I will try to capture the best of the roadside attractions that so fundamentally define this motoring experience. Thank you all for coming and joining my adventure in art!
-Zac Kinkade