Art Notes
“The tan, ochre, and umber tones of the ancient city required that I premix pools of paint and study the specific areas of architecture with a keen eye before attempting to render them.”
– Thomas Kinkade
From my many conversations with Thom, I recall his enthusiasm as he talked about Plein Air painting. In Plein Air, or open-air painting, the natural light is always changing as the sun moves across the sky and clouds can play with this natural light. Thom always traveled with a small portable studio and was ready to paint at any time.
So early in my career, Thom took the time to explain his methodology and the workings of his portable studio. I recall him explaining how challenging Plein Air painting could be with the changing light and weather. So, after reading his words above it brought to mind our old conversation and how masterfully he could capture a moment of time on canvas. Florence, River Alba is testament to Thomas Kinkade’s masterful artistic technique.
– Denise Sanders, Thomas Kinkade Historian