Art Notes
Thom, as a routine, would carve out a few minutes in the day to find an outdoor venue filled with sunshine to read his Bible or a book. This "mini-vacation" would be a time of refreshment and reflection for him amidst a very busy schedule. Eternal Springtime depicts the perfect place to recharge and disconnect from daily life – if only for ten minutes. One cannot help but smell the sweet fragrance of the lilies or feel the warmth from the sun shining onto the weathered bench when viewing this piece. This is a serene resting place where peacefulness reigns and the hope that springtime signifies is painted into every stroke.
The scientific word for daylily is Hemerocallis, which is derived from two Greek words meaning "beauty" and "day". It isn't any surprise that Thom added a plethora of blooming daylilies in his painting. Each lily bloom only lasts one day, but each stalk holds many blossoms that will bloom each day for many weeks, providing beauty into the future. The hope of each new day made anew, is the allure found in Eternal Springtime.
Eternal Springtime was to become Thom's final painting as it was found resting on his well-worn easel. No doubt, he would be pleased in knowing that this piece might inspire you to carve out a few moments in your busy day to indulge in his vision of peacefulness, beauty, and serenity. Our hope is that this painting will serve as a reminder to you in finding a few moments of peace and reflection and that you may find refreshment upon viewing it just as Thom did while sitting in sunshine.