3 Reasons To Collect Art In Your 20s

Collecting Art

When you think about the phrase “art collector” or consider the hobby of art collecting, images of recent college grads, young families, and members of the millennial generation probably don’t come to mind. Believe it or not, getting into buying and investing in artwork has many advantages for collectors in their 20s.

Sure, your artistic investments may one day become a way to secure assets and diversify your portfolio, but there are also immediate reasons to seek out, acquire, and display collectible artwork during your second decade of life.

  1. You Don’t Have To Be Rich To Collect Artwork
  2. Support Creative Professionals Just Like You
  3. Join A Growing Community Of Art Lovers

1. You Don’t Have To Be Rich To Collect Artwork

Once you visit a few online auctions, art shows, and craft fairs, you’ll realize pretty quickly that you don’t have to be wealthy to buy paintings, sculptures, photography, and drawings on paper. Especially as you start out and really get to know what you like and want, it’s a good idea to start small. Create a budget for your art collection and stick to it.

As you find a type of media, style of artistic expression, or particular series of artists you enjoy, you can invest in larger pieces and budget for upcoming releases.

2. Support Creative Professionals Just Like You

According to Business Insider, millennials make up nearly half of the workforce in creative industries like music, film making, technology, advertising, fashion retail, and beauty. As a person in your 20s, you might feel like you still have a long way to go in order to establish a secure, professional future, whatever your field.

When you start collecting art, you take the opportunity to support creatives in the same phase as life — artists who are also just starting out.

3. Join A Growing Community Of Art Lovers

When you decide to start collecting art in your 20s, you won’t be alone. A recent survey by the US Trust found that millennials are the fastest-growing segment of collectors, making up about 8% of the market. You can be a part of this growth and join in with your peers who love creativity enough to seek it out and invest in its future.

Start Your Art Collection In California

No matter your age or stage of life, you can start collecting art right here in California. Our friendly Art Consultants can help you find Limited Edition paintings in a variety of styles and themes. Visit the fine art galleries of Thomas Kinkade in Monterey, Placerville, and Carmel today